FAE and Sismic


The different groups of the national team and the Ski Study Bachillerato Deportivo (EEBE) have presented today in Andorra la Vella in a conference that has served to explain the new structure under the direction of the section director, Roger Vidosa.

The pre-season for all the teams began in June with several stays in Les 2 Alpes, pots of material and physical preparation that will complete the start-up of the groups for the new season and the arrival of the snow and the competition.

The Alpine manager is Roger Vidosa, who has divided the groups into an A and a B, based on last season's results. In this way, Dejan Poljansek is the coach of group A and female manager. In the female group, Josh Alayrach will be the coach of group B, while Marc Oliveras will coach the EEBE and support group B female.

Skiman Pablo Vallina will accompany the female A team. Regarding the men's group, Fred Beauviel is the coach of Group A and the men's technical reference, while the coaches of group B will be Nico Belcredi and Yago Before, who until now trained Mireia Gutiérrez, while the skiman will be Ricard Ortega .

As EEBE speed and support coach will be Christophe Fivel. All this staff is completed by two fundamental figures: Damià Costa, who continues as the head of the physical preparation of the national team, as well as Pol Ferrer, as a physiotherapist.